Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Next Meet-up

Hellllo lovelies!!

With Fall-ish coming up, was wondering if we wanted to have a another meet-up (Sept/Oct)?! I would love to plan something but am always open to any and all suggestions!! If there is something/somewhere you'd love to try as a group, let me know!



  1. Would love to! My fall is kinda crazy on weekends because of college football but Friday nights usually work for me :-)

  2. That would be awesome!! I just found this group and would love to meet you all!

  3. I'm always up for a quick happy hour even during the week just an early hour or two for drinks sounds good. I agree with Lauren w/ football and a few trips we have planned most of my weekends are going to be taken up I think.

  4. I read on Emilee's blog that Whole Foods does a wine/cheese pairing once a month. That might be fun.

  5. New follower! I thought I would join and introduce myself...I am Ashley from Simply, Ashley. and I just relocated to FL...come say hello! I would love to meet some other Tampa Bay bloggers as we know NO ONE here besides my MIL and FIL...haha

  6. I would LOVE a weekday meet-up on Mon-Wed, but I know most people couldn't go to that. I have been trying to think of ideas and coming up blank....I suck. Ohh..SVB's suggestion reminded me that Total Wine & More has beer and wine classes. That could be fun!

  7. I'm in Miami, but wouldn't mind driving up to meet you girls one weekend.

  8. I'd love to meet up with you guys! Friday nights usually work for me and I'm up for anything.

  9. hi, i'm new in tampa :) and i'd really love to be a part of a fun group out here. looking forward to making some new friends :)
